Dedicated to the Youth of the World II

The space of The Dovzhenko film studios in Kyiv is transformed into a rave Cxema. The Kyiv youth reclaims their post-revolutionary city in an intimate yet massive nighttime ritual, an absolute freedom many look forward to. The carefully focused camera follows the participants into a new day—the reality many do not seem to accept.

Single/double screen projection video, sound, duration: 9 min   
Grand Prix MUHi 2019. Young Ukrainian Artists, Kyiv, Ukraine  
Stills from film
Installation view:  PinchukArtCentre 'Remember Yesterday' , Kyiv, Ukraine
Can't Get You Out of My Head. An exhibition by HMKV in Dortmund clubs, Germany 
Pas Sommeil – Frac Bretagne, Rennes, France 
Manifattura Tabacchi, Florence, Italy; 

So They Won’t Say We Don’t Remember


To Whom Have You Abandoned Us, Our Father!